Monday, November 11, 2013

The Moving Wall: A Vietnam War Memorial

Hi Friends!

Happy Veterans Day! This weekend I was able to visit the Moving Wall Memorial. It is a replica of the memorial in Washington D.C. and it is engraved with the names of all of those who lost their lives during the Vietnam War. The wall travels around the country and people from all over travel to see it. It truly was a moving experience.

 The number of names engraved into the wall is saddening and shocking.

People looked up and down the wall to find the name of a friend or loved one they had lost. It was emotional for many people and I definitely found myself blinking back tears more than once.

Visitors placed flowers, letters and pictures near the panels of their lost loved ones. This was one of the more emotional parts of the whole experience for me. Seeing the young faces or the soldiers and the sadness of their families and friends was enough to move me to tears.

An additional part of the Moving Wall was the Healing Field. Every flag placed in the field is a representation of a veteran, someone currently serving, or someone who was lost in the military. There were tags on the flags the family and friends of the soldiers and purchased.

It was a beautiful sight!

They had this whole thing set up outside of my old high school. There were smaller memorials scattered around, all paying tribute to the armed forces.

I am so glad I was home this weekend and able to visit the memorial. If it comes around your town at any point on its journey, make a point to stop and see it!

This has been life with Hannah

xx Hannah

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