Sunday, November 17, 2013

Sunday Smiles: November 17th

Hi friends!

Time for Sunday Smiles! I know I need some cheering up because thinking about this last week of school before Thanksgiving break is making me stress out like crazy. This buzzfeed post made me tear up due to ridiculous amounts of laughter, I hope it does the same to you!

The 29 Weirdest Things to Happen When Playing The Sims

If you've ever been obsessed with the Sims, like me, this will be all the funnier!

Have a good week!

xx Hannah

Friday, November 15, 2013

Foxy Friday: Tom Hiddleston

Here we are again, another foxy Friday! I'm seeing a theme of hot English men in my foxy posts.. Who can resist the accents and charm! Today my post is dedicated to Tom Hiddleston.

As you can see he is so damn adorable! That perfect smile is heart stopping.

And the cheekbones?! Don't even get me started! He can also work that goatee like no one else.

He can also work every hairstyle known to man.. His natural gingery blond curls, very Gene Wilder-esque as he has described them, and his dark Loki hair. He can pull anything off. And his facial hair is so handsome.

Ughhh the short hair/clean shaven face/cheekbones/ handsomeness times a thousand!

So moody.. And hot.

Tom is also one of the most kind celebrities I've ever seen, and he is smart on top of all that!

What a catch.. He's 12 years older than me and I'd still marry him!

Hope everyone is having a great day!

This has been life with Hannah,

xx Hannah

Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Weekend Birthday Party Festivities

My family celebrated my niece's 3 of my little cousins' birthdays this weekend and take it from me, celebrating a 2nd, 3rd, 6th, and 7th birthday is CHAOTIC (and fun). It was also my dad's birthday on Friday, so all together I ate A LOT of cake. It was totally worth it though.

Here's the birthday girl, my niece Fiona! Those pigtails are just to die for and her little munchkin face is too cute. She had a great time ripping presents open and running around with all the other kids. 

Here's Cody who just turned 6, showing off his arm brace. He was all dressed up from church and wanted to keep his clip-on tie on for his party. And he looked quite dapper!

My family always takes turns opening presents, starting with the youngest and working our way up. We do this for christmas too, keeps things as organized as possible when you have 4 kids under the age of 8 trying to open presents haha. 

This is my cousin's GIGANTIC dog Wrigley. He is the sweetest dog ever and he's so lovey dovey! I am not so patiently waiting the day I can adopt my own dog.. It'll be a few years but I CAN'T FREAKING WAIT! I want a big dog like Wrigley, I don't know what breed, but something big and fluffy! (Wrigley is a great pyranees, for anyone that wanted to know)

Cody and his 3 year old brother Dylan got matching spiderman hoodies and absolutely LOVED them! They both wore them for the rest of the party and Cody demonstrated his awesome spidey skills (as shown above).

The birthday cake lineup! Fiona was a little confused when it was time to blow out the candles and needed a bit of help from her Momma, but she got the hang of it! Each kid had their own cake to eat and then we had a huge one that my sister made for everyone else! It was a delicious cake, one layer was chocolate-vanilla marble and the other was strawberry-vanilla. SO GOOD!

It took Fiona a while to want her cake but once she got a taste for it she couldn't stop! She was really only scraping off the frosting and eating it though.

The aftermath.

Here's a picture of me and my sisters! My mom made a special effort to get all of us to pose nicely for a picture and it paid off! I really like this picture of us, and it shows off my sister's cute baby bump!

This has been life with Me,

(belated) Sunday Smiles!

I forgot to do a Sunday Smiles post this week… crap!

Well even if it is a bit belated it will still bring a smile to your face (hopefully!)

This video made me laugh so hard there were tears streaming down my face and I thought I was going to pee my pants. Olan Rogers is one of my FAVORITE youtubers! His stories are always so hilarious, check him out if you're looking for a good laugh!

Monday, November 11, 2013

The Moving Wall: A Vietnam War Memorial

Hi Friends!

Happy Veterans Day! This weekend I was able to visit the Moving Wall Memorial. It is a replica of the memorial in Washington D.C. and it is engraved with the names of all of those who lost their lives during the Vietnam War. The wall travels around the country and people from all over travel to see it. It truly was a moving experience.

 The number of names engraved into the wall is saddening and shocking.

People looked up and down the wall to find the name of a friend or loved one they had lost. It was emotional for many people and I definitely found myself blinking back tears more than once.

Visitors placed flowers, letters and pictures near the panels of their lost loved ones. This was one of the more emotional parts of the whole experience for me. Seeing the young faces or the soldiers and the sadness of their families and friends was enough to move me to tears.

An additional part of the Moving Wall was the Healing Field. Every flag placed in the field is a representation of a veteran, someone currently serving, or someone who was lost in the military. There were tags on the flags the family and friends of the soldiers and purchased.

It was a beautiful sight!

They had this whole thing set up outside of my old high school. There were smaller memorials scattered around, all paying tribute to the armed forces.

I am so glad I was home this weekend and able to visit the memorial. If it comes around your town at any point on its journey, make a point to stop and see it!

This has been life with Hannah

xx Hannah

Sunday, November 10, 2013

Gettin' crafty: homemade cards

Hi friends!

Yesterday was my dad's birthday and I wanted to make him a cute homemade card. I really try to give as many homemade things as I can. It makes me feel good about what I'm giving and I definitely like getting homemade gifts as well! So I gathered all of my craft paper and supplies in my living room, made a huge mess, and got to work.

This is what it looks like when I make anything... Organized(?) chaos.

This is the card I made, simple and easy! It basically just involves a lot of cutting and sorting through paper. I started making it and then realized I didn't have a darn glue stick in my whole house and had to improvise..

So that made the situation a little stickier.. But I worked with it and it turned out fine!

For the little flags I just used origami paper that I had (mostly because I liked the patters better, but it's also thinner than the scrapbook paper I had) and cut them into little triangles. Then I cut my embroidery floss (any string will work) and folded the very top of the flag over, stuck some glue in the crease and folded it over the string. You have to trim the little extra paper hanging over from the fold of the flag, but after that voilà, you've got a little flag garland. I used another piece of paper for the inside of my card and taped the garland to the underside of that piece so the ends wouldn't show. 

After much cutting, gluing, and improvising, the card is done! 

I used the same origami paper to make the balloons on the envelope.

I'm really happy with how it turned out, a little homemade touch is always nice!

This has been life with Hannah

xx Hannah

Friday, November 8, 2013

Foxy Friday: Harry Styles

Hi friends!

Time for another foxy friday! Which is basically just an excuse for me to look up attractive pictures of my celebrity crushes.. This week is dedicated to One Direction's Harry Styles!

Hot damn.
Look at that face. Perfection.

So here's a freaking candid shot of him looking like he's modeling for a magazine. With his little hat and the DIMPLES… can't handle it.

I have a hardcore weakness for guys in beanies and Harry Styles is like the KING of beanies.

What a dork.. I love it so much.


BEANIE ft. the cutest curls in the world.

 Seriously, what is cuter than a boy and a baby.
NOTHING, that is the answer to that question, nothing.

Look at him singing his little heart out. PERFECT.

Ya know, just singing with his NICE ARM MUSCLES.

His eyes are beautiful and green.. and beautiful.
His lips are also perfect.

Did I mention that he's a huge dork.
 A really hot, sweet, adorable, dork

Laughing with his perfect dimples.
How does he look so goof in ripped black jeans and a white t-shirt?!
It's because he's perfect.

And for good measure here's the whole band. So many good looking people. They're also British (with an Irishman) so they all have amazing accents. BONUS POINTS.

Thursday, November 7, 2013

Outfit of the day!

Hi friends!

I'm blogging on the road today because I'm currently on my way home! So I'm passing the time on this boring 2 1/2 hour ride by writing this! 

Today was actually a nice sunny fall day, as opposed the rain and yuckiness I've had to deal with these past few days. So I took this nice day as an opportunity to actually get ready for class and put myself together in the morning for once! It also helped that I don't start class until 11 o'clock on Thursdays so I didn't have to wake up early to look nice (always a plus). 

So as you can see in the picture above, I actually curled my hair so it's kind of curly/wavy and did my eye makeup! It's a miracle! I barely put on mascara the rest of the week.. But with my makeup and hair done, I wanted to wear an outfit that made me feel good too!

So I put together my favorite jacket of all time (I seriously wear it like once a week.. I LOVE IT) and my Van Halen tshirt from Forever 21. Don't mind the wrinkles.. College students don't have time to iron.

And I paired that with my lighter wash distressed skinny jeans from American Eagle. They're kind of a mix between skinny jeans and boyfriend jeans when they stretch out a little, but that makes them even more comfortable. I wore my burlap Toms, I wear these with basically everything. I had to get a new pair because my original ones are shredded from over-wear.. What can I say, they're comfy and cute and I love 'em!

My gold chain necklace from Old Navy completed my outfit. I'm usually kind of awful at accesorizing, but I really loved the way this necklace looked with my outfit overall!

You know you've got a rockin' outfit on when someone tells you that you look like a boss ass bitch. Actually doing my hair and makeup and putting together a cute outfit made me feel more confident all day especially since I've worn nothing but sweats the majority of the week.. Never underestimate the power of a little self-pampering!

This has been life with Hannah

xx Hannah 

Wednesday, November 6, 2013


So here I was sitting in my nine o'clock lecture and I look over and what do I see?

In reality it's a pencil case but it really looks like a taco and I was laughing at it for a good few minutes. I actually thought it was a taco sitting on this desk at first glance… so naturally I pulled out my phone and took a picture. How could I pass up that opportunity??

A Rainy Week On Campus

Hi friends!

the fall leaves on my walk home

It has been a very crappy rainy week on the U of I campus, and while I don't normally dislike the rain, it is definitely a pain in the butt when you have to walk to class in it. I would highly recommend investing in a good pair of rain boots (go for a neutral color, the pink floral ones I bought don't exactly go with too many outfits). The rain also makes outfit and hair choices a bit rough. And for someone like me, who doesn't need any more of an excuse to throw my hair in a bun and look like a bum, it causes a bit of a fashion disaster.. oh well! Rain aside, the fall leaves have been so pretty this week! All sorts of reds and oranges and yellows.

Unfortunately all of the pretty leaves have ended up on the ground due to the ridiculous winds whipping around campus today.

I battled the cold rainy weather today with some warm tea and E! News, the remedy for anything! If anyone else is dealing with this dreary weather, I hope you are staying warm and dealing with the beauty issues caused by rain better than I am… unfortunately pony tails and my dad's oversized sweatshirts don't count as fashion… 

Happy hump day!