Sunday, November 10, 2013

Gettin' crafty: homemade cards

Hi friends!

Yesterday was my dad's birthday and I wanted to make him a cute homemade card. I really try to give as many homemade things as I can. It makes me feel good about what I'm giving and I definitely like getting homemade gifts as well! So I gathered all of my craft paper and supplies in my living room, made a huge mess, and got to work.

This is what it looks like when I make anything... Organized(?) chaos.

This is the card I made, simple and easy! It basically just involves a lot of cutting and sorting through paper. I started making it and then realized I didn't have a darn glue stick in my whole house and had to improvise..

So that made the situation a little stickier.. But I worked with it and it turned out fine!

For the little flags I just used origami paper that I had (mostly because I liked the patters better, but it's also thinner than the scrapbook paper I had) and cut them into little triangles. Then I cut my embroidery floss (any string will work) and folded the very top of the flag over, stuck some glue in the crease and folded it over the string. You have to trim the little extra paper hanging over from the fold of the flag, but after that voilĂ , you've got a little flag garland. I used another piece of paper for the inside of my card and taped the garland to the underside of that piece so the ends wouldn't show. 

After much cutting, gluing, and improvising, the card is done! 

I used the same origami paper to make the balloons on the envelope.

I'm really happy with how it turned out, a little homemade touch is always nice!

This has been life with Hannah

xx Hannah

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