Monday, February 3, 2014

My Semester as a British Wannabe.

Two weeks ago I was sitting in my strange new dorm, in a strange new place thinking about what I had gotten myself in to. Now don't get me wrong, I was excited beyond belief and so happy to have this opportunity, but being basically alone with no idea how to get in touch with my family caused a bit of anxiety. Once I figured out my internet and Skype situation and was able to talk to my family (or anyone for that matter) I felt more at ease in my new UK home, Manchester.

These past few weeks have been a complete whirlwind. I still feel like my plane just landed, but I also feel like I've been here forever. These first few weeks have really been all about getting to know Manchester and getting comfortable in my new city. I went through a few days of orientation, found my way around the city centre, figured out the city bus system (THEY'RE ALL DOUBLE DECKER), discovered new tasty restaurants, and learned what places have wifi and which don't..

Thank god I had my little group of U of I students to go through all of this with, I would have been completely lost trying to figure it all out on my own. From eating out together or just finding our way anywhere in this brand new place, it's been nice to have some travel buddies along the way!

Now that classes have started and my routine is setting in, it's actually starting to feel like more of a home here than just a vacation spot.

Here are some photos to document my trip so far!

Airplane food! Better than one would expect..

My first peek at England from the plane.
I had to awkwardly take this picture over the man sitting in the window seat.

Taxi from the airport to our housing campus.
This miracle worker somehow got four peoples' luggage into one taxi. MAGIC.

View from my first room. 
( I have moved into a different room since then, but the view is not as impressive)

First meal. Some traditional british food, cheese pizza..

Manchester Museum on campus

The Union Bar. 

Exploring Manchester City Centre

We found the British replacement of Chipotle! 
Not nearly as good, but it would do in a pinch.

Riding the upper level on the bus

A nice pub right across the street from where I live

 Street food that I ordered without really knowing what it was. Turned out to be delicious though!

A trip to the museum!

Pangaea Music Festival

First class!

Hopefully that caught all of you up, and I promise to be more punctual with my blogging!

I look forward to my future adventures, and sharing them with you!

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